The buying process can be exciting yet stressful at the same time. As an agent, you should have already spent enough time with your prospective buyers to know their personalities and behaviors. At this point it is probably safe to say your research is done. Your clients have chosen a few properties they are interested in viewing so the next step is scheduling the appointments.

There should be a universal understanding when it comes to working with buyers. Here are a few things you should get used to. You should first understand that your “hot prospects” will sometimes fizzle out. Secondly, when it comes to the initial contract phase you will contend and struggle with multiple concessions once a property has been chosen. Last but not least. There will come a time when a client will fall in love with furnishings while previewing a property. Negotiation is a part of the processes but always keep in mind the purpose of the showing itself.

Stick to your appointments- Be professional

Let me ask you this? Would you skip a doctor’s appointment that you knew was important? Or a dinner party where you were the guest of honor? For sellers, they are counting on the buyer(s) and the agent to stick to the appointment and yet so many do not. They make appointments then do not show up; I refer to this as a “no show”.  Everyone’s time is valuable… this means we are all important. Sellers will take time out to clean and prepare the home for showing. They will make plans in advance to leave with the kids and pets so the home can be shown. They get excited at the prospect of getting closer to a sale.

Listen, I understand emergencies happen. However, use your best judgment when deciding to cancel at the last minute. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Cancel in advance, not minutes or hours before. You never know, this may the house your buyers go back to and say “I have got to have this house”.

 Rules- Set boundaries in advance

You should sit down with your clients in advance to explain how the showing will work. We all need a little direction and instruction from time to time, this is one of them. talk about rules and  set the tone. This will save you the headaches in the long run. Here is a list that you are welcome to use.

  • Children- If children accompany the parents, make sure they are being properly attended and that they are not running all over the place. This increases the liability on everyone’s part.
  • Doors and Windows- For every door or window you unlock, make sure you re-lock the everything before leaving that area.
  • Air Conditioning and Lighting: Always remember this cost “money”. If you turn it down to check out the cooling quality, turn back up to where it originally was. This goes for the heat too. When leaving every room, turn off the switches.
  • Bathrooms- It is not necessary to go through bathroom medicine cabinets. Going to the restroom is something that should be done prior to appointment. You never want to leave a toilet “ not flushed”. Always keep in mind, the water may not be running if the home is vacant.
  • Shoes- Always be considerate of the sellers rules. In some cultures, shoes are not permitted in the home. A simple call to the listing agent is all it takes if you are unsure.
  • Hidden Cameras- Always remember there is a chance of hidden camera’s in the home. You should never discuss a strategy or money until you are away from the property. Nanny cam’s and recording devices, etc. are very common today so be on your best behavior because  the sellers may be watching or listening to your conversation.


There you have it folks. I always like to say, a little help goes a long way… Questions? Call us 407-375-9359. We would love to hear from you!