Have you ever thought about growing your business but freak out when you think of the cost to hire an employee on part or full time basis? In the real estate industry, it becomes tricky but doable. Be smart with your hard earned money, think outside of the box. If you need help with your book of business turn to a freelance consultant. Freelance support is simply outsourcing to other people in your field, to work on your behalf. This gives you an opportunity utilize “others” specific skill sets, industry-knowledge and technical-proficiencies.  This approach will allow you to complete projects on time, and minimize your overhead without having to manage an employee.

Freelancing is essentially outsourcing some of your business function to an outsider, third party. Do your homework, find a freelancer, a.k.a.( independent contractor or consultant) who is privy to your scope of practice, and one you can trust with your book of business. Find someone  with “current competencies” in your field plus one you can trust sharing your personal data and customer information with. Lastly, think about your expectations and how you will manage the agreement. Here are some tips that will help you in your success of finding, hiring and handling your outsourcing needs.

Where to Find Freelancers In Real Estate Field

Keep in mind, freelancers are business owners too, so be on the look out for someone who is preferably licensed by the Sate and specializes service(s) you need help with. This something Brandiwine Consultants adheres to. As consultants, we are proud of our credentials’ it makes us more valuable, period. Next, finding the fight fit should always start with people you know. There is something to be said about “word of mouth”. Ask around for referrals from your fellow associates-network. For example: LinkedIn is a fabulous resource when looking for services.

Consultant Agreements

Professionals Freelance Consultants should have an Agreement with the basic scope, terms and conditions for which you are requesting. If you find yourself having to create the agreement, you many want to reconsider using services through that consultant. A standard agreement should include: A description of the professional services provided, rate, terms, expectations, termination conditions, with a “non compete” built into the verbiage and invoicing process. Why should a A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)be included in the agreement? Well, this establishes the confidentiality of shared knowledge or materials and restricts third party access to such information. This protects your book of business by restricting the ability of outsiders such as partners or consultants from speaking about or divulging sensitive information.

If you would like more information about our consulting services here at Brandiwine contact us, we would love an opportunity to work with you!